A partial archive of meta.discourse.org as of Tuesday July 18, 2017.

[API] How to get a category name with the ID (solved)


I use Discourse API client for PHP (by @michaeld I guess) and I can’t find how to get a category name/slug with only with an ID.

I need it to display (slug and id) of all our categories and their sub-categories.
But when I get the categories list, the only information about sub-categories is their id.


I asked the same question a long time ago,


Thanks, is it implemented in your php client ?


No, we never implemented that. Should be fairly easy to do, I can take a look later today.

function getCategoryById($categoryId) {
       $datas = $this->_getRequest("/site.json");
       $categories = $datas->apiresult->categories;
       foreach($categories as $categorie) {
         if(($categorie->id) == $categoryId) {
           return $categorie;

You should probably save the data in a global, so you can call the function multiple times in the same PHP script.


I’d rather use /site.json once (to limit the API’s calls). We’ve added the following function to DiscourseApi.php :

function getSite()
        return $this->_getRequest("/site.json");

and then use it to get wanted informations :

  $categories = $discourseApi->getSite()->apiresult->categories;
  foreach ($categories as $category) {
    if (isset($category->parent_category_id)){
      $categories_all[$category->parent_category_id]['subcategory'][$category->id]['id'] = $category->id;
      $categories_all[$category->parent_category_id]['subcategory'][$category->id]['slug'] = $category->slug;
      $categories_all[$category->parent_category_id]['subcategory'][$category->id]['name'] = $category->name;
    } else {
      $categories_all[$category->id]['id'] = $category->id;
      $categories_all[$category->id]['slug'] = $category->slug;
      $categories_all[$category->id]['name'] = $category->name;

(code from https://github.com/PartiPirate/congressus/blob/master/application/config/discourse.structure.php)

(We don’t use the getCategoryById() I’ve suggested before)