A partial archive of meta.discourse.org as of Tuesday July 18, 2017.

Change associated Google ID?


I signed up on a forum with a personal Google ID and now I want to associate my account with my new work G Suite ID instead because it’s a work-related thing.

Is this possible? Admin is willing to work with me but he doesn’t know how either.



There are site settings for the google analytics, just change them.


Jay, I don’t think he is referring to analytics but his personal login method.

Identity in Discourse is tied to your email address. Do both Google accounts map to the same email address?


Oops. It sounded so complicated I thought it must have had to do with analytics.

@tomsmyth1, you should be able to change your address from your profile page. Click your avatar and then the gear icon. There should be a pencil icon next to your email address to change it there. If not, the site admin will need to enable the email editable site setting.