A partial archive of meta.discourse.org as of Tuesday July 18, 2017.

Discourse - awesome script!



I would like to explain why I chose Discourse. We have an experience in creating the bid societies but in general we based on such script as WeCenter (php).

It is almost the analog of Yahoo! Answers and Quora did not get enough spreading because of limited localization (Chinese language). But according to the functions I needed another system.

It was a long way: esoTalk - Vanilla - Flarum - NodeBB and only after that Discourse.

I was looking for the optimal system for communication. Something similar between Q&A systems of firm, precise, laconic answers and the format where people can relatively free share their experience on different subjects. I.e. to have the constructive dialogue.

Many of the above listed scripts are really instrumental to achieve various subjectives. But only Discourse fit my purpose completely.

What we needed were the powerful, extended functionality, stable and flexible system. Powerful, stable basis is very important for any activity. And Discourse has a powerful potential.

Thanks to all developers and other participants of this and another projects for the great effort and contribution trying to constantly improve Discourse.

Thank you one more time. And all the best in your future endeavors.