A partial archive of meta.discourse.org as of Tuesday July 18, 2017.

How do I set up Ghost to use Discourse for comments?


I have a discourse forum, and a ghost install. I'd like to have comments powered by Discourse like @codinghorror and @sam have.

Is there a guide somewhere on how to set it up?


Yes. Please refer to https://meta.discourse.org/t/is-it-possible-to-use-discourse-as-a-commenting-system/12627 and https://meta.discourse.org/t/using-discourse-as-a-comment-engine-for-a-blog/2653/24

and the great blog-post on how to integrate Discourse for comments for static webpages by @eviltrout: http://eviltrout.com/2014/01/22/embedding-discourse.html


Thanks! I don't see exactly how to enable them on the Ghost side, but perhaps that's a question for their forum.


One month later... I ask if anyone came up with a guide, tutorial, blog post or anything else with specifics about setting up Discourse as Ghost blog commenting engine. This would be really great. @zchrykng, maybe?


I did it using this tutorial, not sure if @eviltrout has anything else to add, but when we added Discourse comments to my Ghost blog about a month ago, that’s what we followed:


Thanks for explicitly stating this. The information there shall be enough, I believe.

The "Embedding Discourse in Static Sites" title has fooled me, as I didn't give the deserved attention to the article, by wrongly (?) assuming a "Ghost blog" as not being a "static site".


I guess this is broken on ghost 1.0 rc1?


What makes you say that? Is something not working? Better to share the error/issue you are encountering than “guessing” that it’s broken.