A partial archive of meta.discourse.org as of Tuesday July 18, 2017.

Missing notifications and errors in the log


Some users are telling me that, at times, they don’t get (email) notifications for observed categories.
Most of the time, however, they do get them.

I checked in the Logs, and I have these lines:

22 Job exception: end of file reached
8159 Job exception: no implicit conversion of String into Integer
6 Job exception: execution expired

The last one appears to be an smtp timeout, so that’s part of the problem, and I’ll look into it.

But when I click Share on the first one, it says, among other things,

[Jobs::NotifyMailingListSubscribers, Jobs::UserEmail]

so it would seem to be related, too.

Should I share the error details? If so, do I just paste the links here?

Thanks :slight_smile:


Any thoughts @zogstrip?


Please do. You can just copy & paste the content of the 3 tabs (info, backtrace and env).

Job exception: no implicit conversion of String into Integer

/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-push-notifications/services/discourse_push_notifications/pusher.rb:60:in `[]'
/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-push-notifications/services/discourse_push_notifications/pusher.rb:60:in `subscriptions'
/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-push-notifications/services/discourse_push_notifications/pusher.rb:8:in `push'
/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-push-notifications/plugin.rb:99:in `execute'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/base.rb:154:in `block (2 levels) in perform'

hostname	scw-a806f9-app
process_id	[294, 301, 3719, 22522, 16363, 32086, 29381, 310, 23166, 12912, 6593]
application_version	[9c9102d39ab70640b194bcd23d190ab664e1e3a7, 5794ff53a197b35e67a8ecfbedc6d7d626e872be, 2190f8823b8ad1b5b0380e581a2554b3ee38c59f, 405672f8e68231abfe572badf87a3535be3f7b72]
current_db	default
current_hostname	disc.uaar.it
job	Jobs::SendPushNotifications
problem_db	default
user_id	7
current_site_id	default
notification_type	[9, 2, 3, 6, 1]
post_number	[11, 12, 13, 15, 1, 22, 23, 24, 2, 25, 3, 10, 5, 7, 8, 4, 14, 16, 17, 6, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56]
topic_title	[Come iniziare un nuovo argomento, Prova discovolante, Coordinatori Regionali 2017, Segnalazioni Pride ad appuntamenti, Prezzi Nessun Dogma, Categoria Tesoreria, Comunicazioni movimenti al tesoriere, Pagamento ICI/IMU scuole paritarie private, Festa decennale nascita circolo uaar ravenna, Gay in Cecenia - ringraziamento da All Out, Confronto con ML, Titolo del profilo, Petizione AntiOmofobia in Bulgaria, Intervista a Mina Welby e Giovanni Gentile dopo dibattito a Taranto, Gruppi già operativi?, Accesso a "Uaar", Cosa c'è di meglio, Moderazione, Assicurazione sede/sedi, Cosa c'è di meglio?, Pride 2017, per esempio, Ora alternativa e UAAR sul Fatto Quotidiano di oggi, Provo ad aprire un thread, Un'altra prova con allegati, Discussione telematica 04/2017, Prova invio con codifica utf8, Bozza verbale dello scorso weekend, Teatro Sacco di Savona, Sito cerimonie e celebranti: contenuti, Lezione all'università su UAAR, Logo e payoff delle cerimonie, Seconda discussione telematica 04/2017, Cambiare nome utente, Nuova sottocategoria per Uaar, Verbale riunione Comitato di coordinamento del 10/06/17, Due per mille 2017, Funzionamento Postepay UAAR, Numero caratteri titoli argomenti, 8 per mille statale 2017, Concorso "Il diavolo veste UAAR" - votate la vostra vignetta preferita!, Numero massimo di messaggi giornalieri?, Ricorrenza xx settembre, Utilizzo da Discourse app, Convocazione Comitato di Coordinamento 07/07/2017, Cultura d'organizzazione, Mobilitazione soci per la legge sul Biotestamento, IMPORTANTE: prestazioni occasionali, Formattazione, Verbale di stasera, Verbale di stasera -------------]
topic_id	[258, 248, 301, 304, 297, 305, 307, 264, 308, 309, 260, 284, 311, 256, 319, 322, 323, 324, 326, 328, 330, 333, 334, 332, 339, 340, 338, 349, 351, 347, 356, 361, 366, 369, 371, 373, 374, 372, 376, 270, 383, 400, 406, 412, 414, 417, 419, 421, 422, 424]
excerpt	[...]
username	[orizzonte039, maiurana, mmk, moca.liana, flavio_pietrobelli, albeuaar, gatina, GabiRN, Paul_Manoni, a.cipolla, sanellimatteo89, hidalgoblues, piperita, R_M_Balsano, giu.malatesta, desrocchi, fabio.militopagliara, loris.tissino, giorgio, sede.uaar, andreaboni78, adeleorioli, sincani, R.Grendene, Cinzia, s.paparozzi, muecke86, italianvideomaker, andrea.ferraris, matteo.tonazzo, Tobia_Invernizzi, Jael, ad1, marco_ferialdi, enrico.matacena, c.larghi, lgaloppini, giovannigaetani, marcel.tuzza, doc_mattia, straini.giancarlo, martaferralasco, ManuelBianco, giannisolari02, giancarlo.sensalari, luke1077, carmelas4, jeciccon, campedelliangelo, marial.rodaro]
post_url	[/t/come-iniziare-un-nuovo-argomento/258/11, /t/come-iniziare-un-nuovo-argomento/258/12, /t/come-iniziare-un-nuovo-argomento/258/13, /t/prova-discovolante/248/15, /t/coordinatori-regionali-2017/301/1, /t/segnalazioni-pride-ad-appuntamenti/304/1, /t/prezzi-nessun-dogma/297/22, /t/prezzi-nessun-dogma/297/23, /t/prezzi-nessun-dogma/297/24, /t/categoria-tesoreria/305/1, /t/categoria-tesoreria/305/2, /t/prezzi-nessun-dogma/297/25, /t/categoria-tesoreria/305/3, /t/comunicazioni-movimenti-al-tesoriere/307/1, /t/pagamento-ici-imu-scuole-paritarie-private/264/10, /t/categoria-tesoreria/305/5, /t/comunicazioni-movimenti-al-tesoriere/307/2, /t/festa-decennale-nascita-circolo-uaar-ravenna/308/1, /t/gay-in-cecenia-ringraziamento-da-all-out/309/2, /t/comunicazioni-movimenti-al-tesoriere/307/3, /t/categoria-tesoreria/305/7, /t/categoria-tesoreria/305/8, /t/categoria-tesoreria/305/10, /t/gay-in-cecenia-ringraziamento-da-all-out/309/3, /t/segnalazioni-pride-ad-appuntamenti/304/2, /t/pagamento-ici-imu-scuole-paritarie-private/264/11, /t/pagamento-ici-imu-scuole-paritarie-private/264/13, /t/segnalazioni-pride-ad-appuntamenti/304/3, /t/confronto-con-ml/260/11, /t/titolo-del-profilo/284/7, /t/segnalazioni-pride-ad-appuntamenti/304/4, /t/pagamento-ici-imu-scuole-paritarie-private/264/14, /t/prova-discovolante/248/16, /t/petizione-antiomofobia-in-bulgaria/311/1, /t/pagamento-ici-imu-scuole-paritarie-private/264/15, /t/prova-discovolante/248/17, /t/pagamento-ici-imu-scuole-paritarie-private/264/16, /t/pagamento-ici-imu-scuole-paritarie-private/264/17, /t/gay-in-cecenia-ringraziamento-da-all-out/309/4, /t/petizione-antiomofobia-in-bulgaria/311/2, /t/intervista-a-mina-welby-e-giovanni-gentile-dopo-dibattito-a-taranto/256/2, /t/gruppi-gia-operativi/319/1, /t/gruppi-gia-operativi/319/3, /t/accesso-a-uaar/322/1, /t/accesso-a-uaar/322/3, /t/accesso-a-uaar/322/4, /t/cosa-ce-di-meglio/323/3, /t/cosa-ce-di-meglio/323/5, /t/cosa-ce-di-meglio/323/6, /t/moderazione/324/2]
Job exception: end of file reached

no backtrace

problem_db	[null, default]
post_id	[1190, 1310, 1311, 1334, 1357, 1359, 1360, 1366]
current_site_id	default
type	[null, user_posted, user_replied]
user_id	[null, 53, 361, 123, 128, 121, 181, 86, 266, 470, 384, 485, 60, 498, 154, 89, 26, 477]
notification_id	[null, 21161, 21292, 21290, 21309, 21310, 21327, 21326, 21355, 21368, 23308, 23393, 23404, 23410, 25116, 25456, 25613, 25625, 25640]
notification_type	[null, posted, replied]
topic_title	[null, Cultura d'organizzazione, Modalità di elezione del CC]
original_post_id	[null, 1310, 1311, 1334, 1357, 1359, 1360]
original_post_type	[null, 1]
original_username	[null, m.redaelli, raffaele.carcano, martina.colombo222, Paul_Manoni]
display_username	[null, 84 risposte, 85 risposte, 10 risposte, 79 risposte, 7 risposte, martina.colombo222, 96 risposte, Paul_Manoni, 3 risposte, 20 risposte]

Feel free to edit away the excerpt contents, if they are not needed, because the content is, well, better kept private ^^

Actually, I deleted them myself, since you can see them in the history anyway, right? :stuck_out_tongue:


Seems like there’s an issue with the discourse-push-notifications plugin. Are you running the latest version of discourse and plugins?


We are currently v1.9.0.beta3 +9, and discourse-push-notifications 0.1.0


BTW, users tell me that it happened also today, and it seems to them that it might have happened when a moderator moved some messages to a new topic


We upgraded to the latest discourse version, and still the same errors.

Then I turned off the push notification plugin, and those errors stopped, but now I get the following:

Job exception: unexpected return

/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-push-notifications/plugin.rb:83:in `block (2 levels) in activate!'
/var/www/discourse/lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `block in trigger'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.4.0/set.rb:324:in `each_key'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.4.0/set.rb:324:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/lib/discourse_event.rb:11:in `trigger'
/var/www/discourse/app/services/post_alerter.rb:408:in `create_notification'
/var/www/discourse/app/services/post_alerter.rb:480:in `block in notify_non_pm_users'
/var/www/discourse/app/services/post_alerter.rb:479:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/app/services/post_alerter.rb:479:in `notify_non_pm_users'
/var/www/discourse/app/services/post_alerter.rb:60:in `after_save_post'
/var/www/discourse/app/services/post_alerter.rb:6:in `post_created'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/post_alert.rb:7:in `execute'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/base.rb:154:in `block (2 levels) in perform'

hostname	scw-a806f9-app
process_id	9710
application_version	bfc4f15b935416f682b29c2305e094ff70de0873
current_db	default
current_hostname	disc.uaar.it
job	Jobs::PostAlert
problem_db	default
opts	null
post_id	[1845, 1871]
current_site_id	default