A partial archive of meta.discourse.org as of Tuesday July 18, 2017.

[PAID] Give users an option to select if its a Question or an Answer when replying to a topic


This is what I’m trying to do.

User1 wants to create a new topic in this category.
He clicks on the new topic button.
He gets the usual screen with:
Textbox for Subject or Title
TextArea for typing the message
Dropdown box for selecting category

I want to have these 2 things there:
A checkbox asking: Is this a question?
A dropdown for Ans#

As an example:
user1 tries to create a new topic in this category.
The “Is this a question” checkbox should be grayed out for him - since it is going to be the first post in the topic. So, it should be a question.
And the Ans# dropdown box - should be grayed out as well - again - since this is going to be the first post - it should be a question - and not an answer.
His question gets posted.
The first line should be this "Que.1"
And the actual post should start from second line.

user2 checks the new topic created by user1.
He wants to post an answer to user1’s post.
He clicks on reply.
“Is this a question” - isn’t grayed out this time. (Because this is going to be the second post in the topic- and this post can very well be a Question or an Answer)
user2 won’t be clicking on the checkbox - since he is trying to post an answer to user1’s question.
He then selects the Ans# dropdown box - there he sees just 1 option - which is Ans.1 (that is because so far, just 1 question has been asked in this topic, and when more questions are asked, Ans.1 , Ans.2 , Ans.3 etc should be auto-populated in this dropdown)
And then he types his answer and clicks on submit button.
He answer gets posted.
The first line should be this "Ans.1"
And the actual post should start from second line.

user3 checks the new topic created by user1.
He can see Que.1 and Ans.1
He as well wants to ask a question in the same topic created by user1.
He clicks on the reply button in the topic.
He puts a tick mark in the “Is this a question” checkbox - (Because, yes, he is asking a new question in this topic- and NOT answering anyone else’s question)
The Ans# dropdown - should be automatically grayed out - (because he has selected the “Is this a question” checkbox - and hence its NOT going to be an answer)
And then he types his question and clicks on submit button.
He question gets posted.
The first line should be this “Que.2” (yes, it should be Que.2 … and when more folks asks question this way, the number should be auto-increase to the next #)
And the actual post should start from second line.

So this is what I’m trying to do.
In this example we can see that:

  1. When user1 was posting the first post in the topic, the checkbox “Is this a question” was grayed out. The dropdown box Ans# was also grayed out. Because it is obvious that the first post is definitely going to be a question. The first line of his pos is “Que.1”

  2. When user2 was posting an answer to user2’s question, for him, the checkbox and the dropdown - both were there. He didn’t put tick mark in the checkbox - because he was not going to post a question. He rather, selected Ans.1 from the Ans# dropdown. And he was seeing just 1 option in the Ans# dropdown because just 1 question was asked at that time. When more questions are asked in the topic - he should be seeing (Ans.1 , Ans.2 , Ans.3 etc -). The first line of his pos is “Ans.1”

  3. user3 on the other hand wanted to ask a new question in the topic. He put a tick mark in “Is this a question” checkbox. The Ans# dropdown became grayed out automatically after he put a tick mark for “Is this a question” checkbox. And then he posted his question. The first line of his pos is “Que.2”

I hope things are clear.
And this feature needs to be there for just 1 category in my forum.

Please let me know who can help me with this.


Can anyone help me?
Please ask me questions - if you guys have any.


Above topic is not a solution but it somehow related to your need.


Not exactly that. But its close.