A partial archive of meta.discourse.org as of Tuesday July 18, 2017.

Plugin for paid posts


What would you like done?
I am needing a plugin to force payment for posts in a specific category.
For instance, we have an advertising category and I would like to charge a $10 fee for each post via PayPal.

When do you need it done?
Within 1 month.

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
Depends on how complex it is, not a huge budget but willing to pay for expertise and to ensure the plugin is clean and works without fault.

Thanks for your time.


You may try above paid plugin. This plugin allows you to sell your membership. You can charge 10$ for ‘VIP’ group and can give create topic permission only to ‘VIP’ group.

I am just suggesting, Please explore it yourself before purchase.


Thanks Vinoth, I looked at this however this would allow someone to post multiple times to the same category for the member ship fee correct?

I would like to have someone pay a set amount per post.

Is this possible with this plugin?


I don’t think so. Yes you need a custom plugin :+1: