A partial archive of meta.discourse.org as of Tuesday July 18, 2017.

Plugin not work and show


before add new plugin every plugin it work normal But after add discourse-calendar-plugin get plugin MathJax not work and whos-online not show.

I try

cd /var/discourse
git pull
./launcher rebuild app

many times not work. I think it caused old cache of MathJax and whos-online.
How to i fix


We need to know what error is being thrown, so after visiting your site, press F12, which should open the Developer Console and copy the error.

Also, it isn’t easy to infer if you took out the discourse-calendar-plugin again and did a rebuild or not.


i see 1 error “plugin-third-party…” I can delete it. Because it was not on the list I installed. or not

Also, it isn’t easy to infer if you took out the discourse-calendar-plugin again and did a rebuild or not.

I try not work and try Install MathJax and whos-online only it not work.:sweat:


Fairly certain mathjax is the issue, disable that plugin and see if your install works, then install the new mathjax plugin


Remove plugin MathJax result is who’s online can show.But plugin MathJax or Math not work and F12 i see 1 error “plugin-third-party…”


We would need to know the entire error to help. When you installed the Discourse Math Plugin, did you enable the markdown-it site setting?

          - git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git
          - git clone https://github.com/kasperpeulen/discourse-mathjax.git
          - git clone https://github.com/davidtaylorhq/discourse-media-overlay.git
          - git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse-spoiler-alert.git
          - git clone https://github.com/sekhat/discourse-yuml.git
          - git clone https://github.com/davidtaylorhq/discourse-whos-online.git
          - git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse-solved.git
## Any custom commands To run after building
  - exec: echo "Beginning of custom commands"
  ## If you want To Set the 'From' email address for your first registration, uncomment and change:
  ## After getting the first signup email, re-comment the line. It only needs To run once.
  #- exec: rails r "SiteSetting.notification_email='info@unconfigured.discourse.org'"
  - exec: echo "End of custom commands"


Yes, I enable


You still have the wrong mathjax plugin installed.

Change git clone https://github.com/kasperpeulen/discourse-mathjax.git to

git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse-math.git


Yes, It work. thank you.