A partial archive of meta.discourse.org as of Tuesday July 18, 2017.

The Github Linkback Plugin


I’ve just released discourse-github-linkback which is a plugin designed to link github commits and pull requests back to forums where they’re mentioned.

Background: Often I’m looking at a commit on Github, and I’m not entirely sure why a change was made. We do most of our discussion on meta.discourse.org, so there is often a post or topic about the change with more context. Previously, I would search on meta for the commit or pull request, but that was difficult to do and cumbersome.

How the plugin works: If you link to a commit or pull request, for example this one, a background task will then post a link on the github content with a message that links to the post on meta where it was mentioned:

Now the connection works both ways! By browsing on Github you will find the link back to meta! This should make it a lot easier to find discussion and context for many changes in the Discourse codebase.


I assume this doesn’t post a GH comment each & every mention correct? (i.e. max 1 per topic + PR/commit combo?)


It’s restricted to one per post, as it could link to different posts in the same topic. I think it would be rare to keep linking the same PR in a topic though.


Seems reasonable to start. Cool idea!


I’m tempted to install this as a trial…


We’ve been using it here with no trouble for the last few days.